Websites & Apps We LOVE!

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Here's a List of Our FAVORITE Apps!!

*My favorite Appis Story Buddybecause I can write stories.

*My Favorite Appis Cookie Factoryis fun because it helps me practice value

*My Favorite Appis Math Zombiesbecause you can do multiplication, division, and subtraction.

*My Favorite Appis Lexia Core 5because it is fun to play on

*My Favorite Appis Teach Me becauseit has fun math games and shows you adding

*My Favorite Appis Math Zombiesbecause there is easy and hard levels and I like to do both

*My Favorite Appis Sushi Monsterbecause it gives you hard numbers

*My Favorite Appis Sushi Monsterbecause they give you hard number sentences to solve. Like what is 400-300?

*My Favorite Appis Lexia Core 5because you can get a certificate at the assembly and you learn how to readmore

*My Favorite Appis Math Zombiesbecause there’s times and dividing, plus and take away and I like doing math.

*My Favorite Appis Math Bug becauseyou can do place value to the thosands place and I like doing big numbers

*My Favorite Appis Xtra Mathbecause it makes me learn more and makes me get better and better at math

*My Favorite Appis RazKids becauseyou get to learn different things and build and design a robot with your points

*My Favorite Appis Lexia Core 5because it helps you read and make words

*My Favorite Appis Cookie Factorybecause you get to count and add

*My Favorite Appis Math Zombies.  Do you know they have a zap button that zapsthe zombies when you get an answer right. You can also do multiplying.  Thenwhen you pass all the levels a big monster comes out.